Recirculating system for fish farming

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Aquaculture – it is one of the world‘s fastest growing economies. 
Fish farming in closed recirculating systems (CRS) is considered as the most advanced technology of aquaculture. 

CRS – it is a modern complex of equipment, where water circulates in a closed circle and appropriate water level with main parameters is regulated according to the need (necessary oxygen content, temperature, low content of organic admixtures, etc.).
The main advantages of this type of business
  • Installation of CRS does not require large area of land or big resources of water.
  • High efficiency.
  • Water saving solution.
  • Cultivation is independent from the season.
  • Compliance with environmental requirements.
  • Biological surveillance is not necessary, as raised species has no possibility to enter adjacent natural water bodies and infringe ecological balance.
  • CRS systems are controllable, thus precious fish species may be raised, like European catfish, African catfish, sturgeon, trout, zander, and etc.
Offered CRS equipment
  • Biological filters.
  • Fish farming reservoirs.
  • Additional CRS equipment (air-blowers, sorters, UV lamps, feeders, and etc.) 

Fish farming reservoirs

Provided services
  • Selection and designing of CRS systems.
  • Fitting of systems.
  • Maintenance.
  • Consultations.
Several economic indicators while raising African catfish
  • Necessary quantity of water for 1 kg of fish:                     100 - 150 litres
  • Necessary  area of facility for raising 12 t of fish:                         70 m² 
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